Let’s face it; stupidity is not only relative but it’s a dangerous subject to discuss.
Political correctness dictates that pointing out the intellectual deficiencies of others is not cool but arrogant – and yes, discussing stupidly is usually a self-defeating stupidity in itself. But I assume I may avoid some condemnation and hostility if I quickly include myself in the category of the spineless and the intellectually lazy and dimwitted. So let me emphasize I speak here not from arrogance but from chagrin.
May we proceed?
All systems, religions and mass movements depend to a great deal on the stupidity of those who are to be organized and led. Naturally one element of this repeated focus on the unreflective, is motivated by the organizers’ joyful contempt for the intellectually lazy. But this understandable contempt is in no way the sole or even major reason for the eager concentration on the manipulation of the intellectually lazy. In fact, the “stupid” are a boon to organizers for several reasons, the primary of them being the cattle-like herd mentality of a major part of the population. The dumb or the ignorant are more easily manipulated, and often times they can be more quickly protected by benevolent organizers who scare and/or lie to them. After all, people who are set to march in lock step, rarely step on each others’ toes - while the more intellectually curious and independent members of society usually move stubbornly and suspiciously in different directions, usually at cross purposes, and often to little positive effect.
Religions in particular deliberately rely on the most illogical of superstitions, the underlying idea being that everyone can understand a dumb idea or be enchanted by a colorful fairy story – but only the intelligent minority can fathom an intelligent idea. Indeed many will point out that America’s great economic and lasting political success is a result of two simple and truly democratic factors: advertisers and the mass media’s skill at dumbing down and reaching the lowest common denominator – as well as religion’s show business-like appeal to the naive citizenry. For example, if our organizers can convince us to (pretend to?) believe in a superman who walked on water, turned water into wine, raised the dead and so on, our organizers are assured they can convince us of anything.
The dissemination of ludicrous beliefs serves many purposes for organizers. For example, should the brave individual ignore peer pressure and stand up and say, “Nope, sorry. This Adam & Eve, Jonah & the Whale, Jesus escaping from the tomb are no more true than the tooth fairy,” the individual will be quickly spotted and weeded out – and in America such a self-exposed unbeliever would never be able to win a major public office. Mike Huckabee’s denial of evolution was no disqualifier for the highest office in the land, but my disbelief in virgin birth or that the earth is a mere 5,000 years old makes me immediately disqualified! Astoundingly we modern Americans still require our leaders take part in our general primitive superstition-based belief system and they are further required by us to debase themselves in our common self-humiliation. Our leaders must resemble us even in our idiocy.
America, of course, is not the only country or society ruled by the iron hand of lock-step superstition. The entire Moslem world adheres to a doctrine whose very name mean submission. But submission to what? Of course the Koran contains elements of sin-not-and-love-your-brother, as do all other religions. But Islam, like all other religions, contains anti-logical and often hateful dogmas that humiliate instead of merely humble anyone who professes to believe in them. One need not dwell on the martyr’s reward of 72 virgins nor the entrĂ© into heaven on a flying horse to further prove the point.
However, one thing to always keep in mind when examining Islam, Christianity or even Communism, is to try to determine what daily life was like in these places before these religions and philosophies were developed. Generally speaking there is plenty of evidence that daily life was even worse. Much worse. The degree of murder, human sacrifice and brutal exploitation was so much greater before these ameliorating religions and political systems were invented. Sacrificing goats instead of people fortunately came to be regarded as a great step up the evolving spiritual ladder. There is method in our madness. Why do many Moslem countries continue to cut off the right hand of thieves? Because for thousands of years there was no effective capitalism and bureaucracy that could raise taxes to build and maintain enough prisons. Penalties for crime had to be swift and cheap – and free food and lodging for miscreants was not an option. Nor were mug shots of thieves on post office walls possible, so the missing hand was the kindly authorities’ warning to citizens to beware the transgressor.
One has to wonder why America, the “free-est” nation in the world has by far the highest number of citizens in prison in proportion to the population. No other country comes close, not poverty ravaged countries or environmentally devastated lands. And when it comes to murder and violent crimes America again leads the world. Why? Because our very freedom lends itself to greater abuse? Perhaps. But even the most biased patriot would have to admit that most nations in Europe and other parts of the world such as Australia and New Zealand, Costa Rica, Japan and more – all have great degrees of personal and political freedom that nearly equal or even surpass that of Americans. Yet their societies see only a miniscule fraction of violent crime. Why the difference? Perhaps as is often pointed out, America is still a young exuberant country. We’re all teenagers at heart, puerile youths who refuse to grow up, juvenile delinquents who excel at throwing destructive temper tantrums? Sure we’re generally good-hearted teenagers. We love gadgets and toys, monster trucks and Macey parade floats. But too many of us are poisoned by the macho gun totting John Wayne myths of the old west and back when a man was a man. For example, conflicts in movies rarely end in reconciliation and we seem only to be satisfied by gunplay or fisticuffs (..fisticuffs! Isn’t that such a delightfully old-fashioned word? Like doilies or spats!) Sadly today it’s not uncommon to see a TV fight end in decapitation or disembowelment! And you will have noticed that villains in movies are never carted off to long years of incarceration much less rehabilitation. Nay, the bad guys are always killed in the most painful and gruesome way possible. Our civilized sense of justice demands it. How privileged we are. Each of us has an electronic Roman Coliseum in our living room with gladiators entertaining us with their deaths each evening!
Fortunately officially sanctioned political violence ebbs and flows somewhat. The last fifty years of American foreign policy have seen fluctuating popular opinion. Usually 15 or so years after a disastrous American intervention such as the Viet Nam war, a new generation of young and ignorant lunkheads, believing war to be much like the joyous antics of rival high school football teams, allows itself to be riled up and energized by propaganda and distortion, by unctuous praise of how brave and noble it is, and it finds itself shipped off to sacrifice life and limb until sobering reality sets in, and we wait 15 or 20 more years for revulsion and memory to wear off and our fearless leaders can begin again to find a new horror to involve us in.
Some might cynically suggest that the only way to delay, minimize or prevent wars or mass murder is to combat the stupidity with counter stupidity. Ronald Reagan once famously remarked that if the nations of the earth suddenly were confronted by a hostile invasion from space we would all quickly unite for once. One can almost picture his imagining of how big and elaborate the sets would have to be in order to fool the public into believing such a uniting invasion has begun!
Yes, a common uniting idea would be welcome. And a uniting idea based on logic and grown-up maturity would be even better. But it doesn’t look like any such ideas are gaining favor. Al Gore may have gained a great deal of temporary attention pointing to our disastrous environmental habits, but no one is going to give up consumerism until there is nothing left to consume. Certainly not China and India. And Americans behave sensibly? Pull the other one.
Everyone needs to belong to some group, some family, some gathering where one feels welcome and appreciated. And if one can find no other welcoming group, one can always find a church of snake handlers, a coven of white robed racists, an underground cell of bomb-building martyrs, or a gated community of the heartless and scornful rich that will welcome one to the group as a loyal member. The lonely, the homely, the intellectually anemic can always find a home, for there will always be organizers ready and willing to exploit our longing for respect and for a safe haven. And these good shepherds, whether they be Tony Robbins, Dr. Phil, Osama Bin Laden, Donald Rumsfeld, Jerry Falwell or Jerry Springer, will always concoct new and endlessly entertaining fantasies for us to numb our fears with so that we can bask in our common self-sacrificing humiliation.
Does it take an apostle of doom to predict that in about 30 years the world will see roaming bands of vigilantes, avenging gangs burning, looting and murdering in their search for scapegoats, for the guilty to blame for our growing economic chaos and environmental ragnarok? Who will be blamed next time? The Jews, the capitalists, the environmentalists, the intellectuals, the Liberals, the Moslems, or us Atheists?
Better have your gun cocked and ready. And consider joining a group. There are plenty of them who want you.